User Interaction

From Axaptapedia

When creating reports, overwriting certain methods, or calling the report through different ways will result in different dialogboxes and user interaction screens. A brief overview of the possibilities.


to Menu Item or not to Menu Item

When creating a plain and simple report, there is already a difference between calling it through a menu item and calling it manually (through code or in the AOT, etc). Through a menu item you will get the prompt for batch, print options, and a select button for the query. Running the report manually will give you a query screen, when pressing ok a print options screen, and next the report output.

Interactive Checkbox

In the few report properties, you will find a switch yes/no called "Interactive". Setting this to "No" will result in getting a query prompt but no print options, for both calling with or without a menu item. In the query properties, you will find exactly the same switch. In this case it allows you to disable the prompting for query values. Remember these settings for reports that need to run automatically in the background, etc.

Overwriting Methods

Several methods of the report can be overwritten to disable certain parts of the user interaction.

      - fetch()      : No super call will disable the query-dialog when running without a menu item,
                       but requires a manual query execution by using the Send() method to pass results
                       to your report.
      - dialog()     : Allows you to change the dialog used when running through a menu item.
                       Returning null will result in no dialog but going straight to output.
      - prompt()     : No super call will disable the print settings dialog when running without a
                       menu item.


Depending on your needs, you may need to disable certain parts of the user interaction. Hope we have got you on your way.