Help application
From Axaptapedia
Creating a help application for your personal modules is simple, if you know how to start.
- First, create a new helpbook (in project window, on private or shared node, right-click and select New > Help Book.
- On the help book project node, right-click and select "New reference to book", and a node called {HelpBookName}_HelpBookRef is created. Drag and drop this node to the project "HelpApplicationTOC" just below "HelpInternet_HelpBookRef", so a new Link within the Axapta Help book is created.
- Within the help book project, right-click and select "New Help Book", this is not located within the "New >" submenu, it's below.
Then you can add "Help Topics" to your help book, or even new help books (create them on the project level and drag them into your existing books). The first help topic within a book is also the "book title" (the cover), so it is called BookTitle_{theme}. You may also add text to the cover.
- Within the AOT Application Documentation node you find tables, forms and classes where you can add help information.
Drag all changed objects to a project, because the project filter is unable to find documentation objects, and you will have a hard time getting all changes to an export file.
All text you enter depend on the language setting, so if you add help text in en-us, you will not see it in de-at and vice-versa.
Here is my AutoHotkey macro for help titles:
; Ctrl+Win+T Insert title in Axapta Help Edit ^#t:: IfWinActive, Axapta { WinGetClass, WinClass, Axapta if WinClass=AxaptaClientClassName { Send, {ALTDOWN}i{ALTUP}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{ENTER}{ENTER} {CTRLDOWN}{TAB}{CTRLUP}{END}{ENTER}< p>xxx{ENTER}</ p>{UP} {SHIFTDOWN}{CTRLDOWN}{TAB}{CTRLUP}{SHIFTUP}{DOWN}{SHIFTDOWN}{RIGHT}{RIGHT}{RIGHT}{SHIFTUP} } } Exit
(Remove the spaces left of both p> - added them because of display purposes) Hope you find it useful.
Kind regards, harald --Hghrp 06:20, 6 Dec 2005 (PST)