Set (Foundation class)

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Set (Foundation class) consist of a data set that contains values of the same type, where value is unique.

A Set is alway sorted on the value.


[edit] How to use

[edit] Define

Set s = new Set(Types::STRING);

[edit] Insert a value


[edit] Exists value

To see if a value already is added, use the in method:

if ("Wassini"))
   print "Yes!";
   print "No!";

[edit] Getting values

There are several ways to get the values in the set.

  1. Using a SetIterator
  2. Using a SetEnumerator

[edit] SetIterator

The SetIterator loops throug the complete set:

SetIterator si;
si = new SetIterator(s);
while (si.more())
  print si.value();;

[edit] SetEnumerator

SetEnumerator class is like SetIterator class, but with a slightly different interface

SetEnumerator se=s.getEnumerator();
while (se.moveNext())
  print se.current();

[edit] Removing values

Just use the remove method to remove the active value.


[edit] Other methods

// Get number of elements:
print s.elements(); 
// Get the used types:
print s.definitionString(); 
// Dump the whole set as a string:
print s.toString();

[edit] See also

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