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Edit method
An edit method is not a physical field in a table but rather a method of entering and displaying information from another table or source. Like a display method it appears like a "normal" field and it can be used in forms and reports. For more information about display methods go to MSDN.
An edit method can be created on either a table (in which case it is available for all forms using that table), or on the datasource of a specific form (in which case it is available only on that form).
Edit methods must be created using a specific signature, which varies depending on the location of the method.
Edit methods on tables[edit]
When declared on a table, edit methods must be preceded with the keyword edit and expect exactly two parameters. The following example is a standard edit method from the SalesTable table.
Parameter _set indicates whether the edit method is being used to show (_set = false) or modify (_set = true) data. This is set automatically by the caller form.
Parameter _exchRate in the example below should be declared using the same type as the method return value, and contains the new value to be set when _set is true. Then _set is false then that value should be ignored by the method programmer.
Irrespective of the value of _set, the method must always return the current calculated value.
<xpp> public edit SalesFixedExchRate editFixedExchRate(boolean _set, SalesFixedExchRate _exchRate) {
ExchangeRateHelper exchangeRateHelper = ExchangeRateHelper::newCurrency(Ledger::primaryLedger(CompanyInfo::findDataArea(curext()).RecId), this.CurrencyCode);
if (_set) { this.FixedExchRate = exchangeRateHelper.prepareExchangeRateForStorage(_exchRate); } else { _exchRate = exchangeRateHelper.displayStoredExchangeRate(this.FixedExchRate); }
return _exchRate;
} </xpp>
Edit methods on datasources[edit]
On a form datasource, an additional parameter is required indicating against which record the method should operate. In the following example from standard Ax 2012 it is the _purchParmTable parameter. The order of the parameters is significant and must be followed exactly.
<xpp> //BP Deviation documented edit boolean paymentIdValidated(boolean set,
PurchParmTable _purchParmTable, NoYes _validated)
NoYes validated;
if (_purchParmTable.RecId) { if (!paymentIdValidatedSet) paymentIdValidatedSet = new Set(typeName2Type(extendedtypestr(recId)));
if (set) { validated = _validated; if (_validated) paymentIdValidatedSet.add(_purchParmTable.RecId); else paymentIdValidatedSet.remove(_purchParmTable.RecId); } else { validated =; } } else { validated = NoYes::No; }
return validated;
} </xpp>
Since Ax 2009, edit methods can also be cached on forms. See the caching section of display methods for further details.