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ScannerClass class
From Axaptapedia
ScannerClass provides lexical parsing capabilities for X++.
You can perform such tasks as removing all comments from your code or find some keyword in your X++ source.
There is also ParserClass class providing interface to the syntax parsing for X++
- Provide your X++ code as a constructor parameter.
- include TokenTypes macro to handle various token types
- call firstSymbol method to scan to the first token - return value is type of the first token
- call nextSymbol method for further processing until it returns 0
- subclass ScannerClass to handle comments (override comment and lineComment methods)
#TokenTypes int token; ScannerClass s=new ScannerClass( "void /*test*/new(){int a=1.23;return \"my string\";}"); ; token=s.firstSymbol(); while(token) { info(strFmt("%1, %2: '%3', %4", s.line(),s.col(), s.string(), token==#DBL_SYM?s.realValue():0.0)); token=s.nextSymbol(); }
</xpp> download (4k) more extended example with comments handling