Move DB objects to another layer

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... without losing data

If you want to transfer DB objects e.g. from USR to CUS layer, the database fields are deleted and recreated, data is lost. To prevent that, we can:

  • Export data, move the object and import data
  • Export the objects with IDs
  • Fake IDs for the target layer

I created jobs to "correct" the IDs:

The first job LayerMove_USRCUS has to be executed before Export of USR-Layer. It fakes the tableIds and fieldIds. The second job AfterLayerMove has to be executed after the Import into the CUS-Layer. It will correct the tableIds again (necessary).

So the sequence is:

  1. Backup DB and Application
  2. Job LayerMove_USRCUS
  3. export USR
  4. delete USR Layer
  5. import CUS
  6. Job AfterLayerMove
  7. reimport CUS
  8. synchronize database

static void LayerMove_USRCUS(Args _args)
      //if other layers needed, only the macro values need to be changed
      #define.layerText("USR to CUS") // from - to layer
      #define.minUSRid(50001) // minimum id of the from-layer
      #define.maxUSRid(59999) // maximum id of the from-layer
      #define.minCUSid(40001) // minimum id of the to-layer
      #define.maxCUSid(49999) // maximum id of the to-layer
      #define.defCUSid(40001) // default id to start with, mostly = #minCUSid
      SysLastValue    sysLastValue;
      SQLDictionary   sqlTables;
      SQLDictionary   sqlDictionary, sqlDictionary2;
      TableId         tableId, maxCUStableId;
      int             currentId, recentFieldId;
      str             fieldList;
      boolean         yesToAll = false, moveFields;
      int             answer;
      setPrefix("Transfer tables and fields from " + #layerText);
      //look for the highest table id in the destination layer
      select firstOnly sqlDictionary
          order by tabId desc
          where sqlDictionary.fieldId == 0         &&
                sqlDictionary.tabId   >= #minCUSid &&
                sqlDictionary.tabId   <= #maxCUSid;
      maxCUStableId = sqlDictionary.tabId ? sqlDictionary.tabId : #defCUSid - 1;
      //loop thru all tables
      while select sqlTables
          order by name
          where sqlTables.fieldId == 0
          tableId = sqlTables.tabId;
          //if the table or some fields are located in the source layer...
          moveFields = (tableId >= #minUSRid && tableId <= #maxUSRid);
          if (!moveFields)
              select firstOnly sqlDictionary
                  order by fieldId desc
                  where sqlDictionary.tabId   == tableId   &&
                        sqlDictionary.fieldId >= #minUSRid &&
                        sqlDictionary.fieldId <= #maxUSRid;
              if (sqlDictionary) moveFields = true;
          if (moveFields)
              setPrefix(strFmt("Table %1 (Id %2)",, sqlTables.tabId));
              fieldList = "";
              while select sqlDictionary
                  order by fieldId asc
                  where sqlDictionary.TabId   == tableId   &&
                        sqlDictionary.array   == 1         &&
                        sqlDictionary.fieldId >= #minUSRid &&
                        sqlDictionary.fieldId <= #maxUSRid
                  fieldList += (fieldList ? ", " : "") +;
              //ask for permission to change
              if (!yesToAll)
                  answer = Box::yesYesAllNoCancel("ok to move" +
                      ((tableId >= #minUSRid && tableId <= #maxUSRid) ?
                          " table " + : "") +
                      (fieldList ? " fields " + fieldList : "") +
                      " from " + #layerText + "?", DialogButton::No);
                  yesToAll = (answer == DialogButton::YesToAll);
                  if (answer == DialogButton::Cancel)
              if (yesToAll || answer == DialogButton::Yes)
                  //if table is located in the source layer...
                  if (tableId >= #minUSRid && tableId <= #maxUSRid)
                  { // move table to CUS: look if already exist in lower layer
                      select firstOnly forUpdate sqlDictionary
                          where sqlDictionary.tabId   == sqlTables.tabId &&
                                sqlDictionary.fieldId == 0;
                      select firstOnly sqlDictionary2
                          order by tabId desc
                          where    == &&
                                sqlDictionary2.tabId   != sqlTables.tabId &&
                                sqlDictionary2.fieldId == 0;
                      if (sqlDictionary2)
                          tableId = sqlDictionary2.tabId;
                          //delete also dataAreaId, recId
                          delete_from sqlDictionary
                              where sqlDictionary.TabId    == sqlTables.tabId &&
                                    sqlDictionary.fieldId  > 0                &&
                                    (sqlDictionary.fieldId < #minUSRid        ||
                                     sqlDictionary.fieldId > #maxUSRid);
                          tableId = maxCUStableId;
                          sqlDictionary.tabId = tableId;
                          //change dataAreaId, recId and some other fields
                          while select forUpdate sqlDictionary
                              order by fieldId asc, array asc
                              where sqlDictionary.TabId    == sqlTables.tabId &&
                                    sqlDictionary.fieldId  > 0                &&
                                    (sqlDictionary.fieldId < #minUSRid        ||
                                     sqlDictionary.fieldId > #maxUSRid)
                              sqlDictionary.tabId   = tableId;
                      delete_from sysLastValue
                          where sysLastValue.elementName == strFmt("T:%1", sqlTables.tabId);
                      info(strFmt("table id changed from %1 to %2", sqlTables.tabId, tableId));
                  //look for the highest field id of that table in destination layer
                  select firstOnly sqlDictionary
                      order by fieldId desc
                      where sqlDictionary.tabId   == sqlTables.tabId &&
                            sqlDictionary.fieldId >= #minCUSid       &&
                            sqlDictionary.fieldId <= #maxCUSid;
                  currentId = sqlDictionary.FieldId ? sqlDictionary.FieldId : #defCUSid - 1;
                  recentFieldId = 0;
                  //search for all fields in the source layer
                  while select forUpdate sqlDictionary
                      order by fieldId asc, array asc
                      where sqlDictionary.TabId   == sqlTables.tabId &&
                            sqlDictionary.fieldId >= #minUSRid       &&
                            sqlDictionary.fieldId <= #maxUSRid
                      select forUpdate sqlDictionary2
                          order by fieldId desc
                          where sqlDictionary2.TabId   == tableId               &&
                                sqlDictionary2.fieldId != sqlDictionary.fieldId &&
                                sqlDictionary2.array   == sqlDictionary.array   &&
                      if (sqlDictionary2)
                          if (sqlDictionary2.fieldId >= #minCUSid &&
                              sqlDictionary2.fieldId <= #maxCUSid)
                              currentId = sqlDictionary2.fieldId;
                          // array fields have the same fieldId
                          if (recentFieldId != sqlDictionary.fieldId)
                              recentFieldId = sqlDictionary.fieldId;
                      info(strFmt("fieldName: %1, id changed from %2 to %3",
                                  sqlDictionary.fieldId, currentId));
                      sqlDictionary.tabId   = tableId;
                      sqlDictionary.fieldId = currentId;
      info("Transfer completed");

static void AfterLayerMove(Args _args)
      //if other layer needed, only the macro values need to be changed
      #define.layerText("CUS") // from - to layer
      #define.minCUSid(40001) // minimum id
      #define.maxCUSid(49999) // maximum id
      SQLDictionary   sqlTables;
      SQLDictionary   sqlDictionary;
      Dictionary      dictionary = new Dictionary();
      TableId         tableId;
      setPrefix("Checking tables of layer " + #layerText);
      //loop thru all tables
      while select sqlTables
          where sqlTables.fieldId == 0 &&
                sqlTables.tabId >= #minCUSid &&
                sqlTables.tabId <= #maxCUSid
          tableId = dictionary.tableName2Id(;
          if (tableId != sqlTables.tabId && tableId && sqlTables.tabId)
              while select forUpdate sqlDictionary
                  where sqlDictionary.tabId == sqlTables.tabid
                  sqlDictionary.tabId = tableId;
              info(strFmt("table %1 id changed from %2 to %3", 
                , sqlTables.tabId, tableId));
      info("Transfer completed");

Any feedback welcome.

Regards, harald (--Hghrp 03:00, 20 March 2006 (PST))

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