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LedgerPeriodCode table
The LedgerPeriodCode table stores the information used for the Date Interval functionality inside Axapta. This allows users to set up special codes to refer to date ranges, which change dynamically as required. For example, they may set up a date interval called CURQTR which will always refer to the current quarter of the year. Axapta will ensure that any references using this date interval code will always use the correct date range based on the current date.
The associated form can be found in the Menu by following the path:
General Ledger -> Setup -> Periods -> Date intervals
Methods and Properties[edit]
The following functions are useful to access the date interval functionality programmatically:
display fromDate fromDate(TransDate _basis = systemdateGet())
this method gets the start date of the period of the selected LedgerPeriodCode record. By default, it bases the calculation on the current system date, but this behaviour can be changed by passing through a different date
display toDate toDate(TransDate _basis = systemdateGet())
this method gets the last date of the period of the selected LedgerPeriodCode record. By default, it bases the calculation on the current system date, but this behaviour can be changed by passing through a different date