Build numbers

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Here the Axapta build numbers, with a description of the version represented.

The build version numbers are split into three parts. First the client version number is listed, followed by the application version. Formatted like: Build #client version/application version/localization vertsion e.g. #1951.7500/514-320/OP023-196 - for 3.0 KR2 client and 3.0 SP4 application.

Dynamics AX 2012 R3[edit]

Build number Version 2012 R3 CTP4 2012 R3 CTP5 2012 R3 RC0 2012 R3 RTM

Dynamics AX 2012 R2[edit]

Build number Version 2012 R2
6.2.1000.156 2012 R2 Cumulative Update 1 (CU1)
6.2.1000.1437 2012 R2 Cumulative Update 6 (CU6)
6.2.1000.4051 2012 R2 Cumulative Update 7 (CU7)

Dynamics AX 2012[edit]

Build number Version
6.0.852.78 2012 Beta
6.0.947.0 2012 RTM
6.0.947.61 2012 Cumulative Update 1 (CU1)
6.0.947.280 2012 Cumulative Update 2 (CU2)
6.0.947.862 2012 Feature Pack
6.0.1108.670 2012 Cumulative Update 3 (CU3)
6.0.1108.2423 2012 Cumulative Update 4 (CU4)
6.0.1108.4316 2012 Cumulative Update 5 (CU5)

Dynamics AX 2009[edit]

Build number Version RPC interface version
5.0.593.0 2009 RTM 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.593.439 2009 Hotfix Rollup 1 (RU1) N/A
5.0.593.662 2009 Hotfix Rollup 2 (RU2) N/A
5.0.593.827 2009 Hotfix Rollup 3 (RU3) N/A
5.0.593.1084 2009 Hotfix Rollup 4 (RU4) N/A
5.0.593.1287 2009 Hotfix Rollup 5 (RU5) N/A
5.0.593.1429 2009 Hotfix Rollup 6 (RU6) N/A
5.0.1000.52 2009 SP1 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.1500.358 2009 SP1 Hotfix Rollup 1 (RU1) 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.1500.809 2009 SP1 Hotfix Rollup 2 (RU2) 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.1500.1313 2009 SP1 Hotfix Rollup 3 (RU3) 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.1500.2116 2009 SP1 Hotfix Rollup 4 (RU4) 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.1500.2985 2009 SP1 Hotfix Rollup 5 (RU5) 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.1500.3761 2009 SP1 Hotfix Rollup 6 (RU6) 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.1500.4570 2009 SP1 Hotfix Rollup 7 (RU7) 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.1500.6491 2009 SP1 Hotfix Rollup 8 (RU8) 50444.0 (C50C.0000)

Dynamics AX 4.0[edit]

Build number Version RPC interface version
4.0.1659.26 4.0 RTM 41638.0 (A2A6.0000)
4.0.1659.35 4.0 RTM (localized) N/A
4.0.2163.0 4.0 SP1 42060.0 (A44C.0000)
4.0.2500.XXX 4.0 SP1 DIS layer hotfixes 42060.0 (A44C.0000)
4.0.2501.116 4.0 SP2 42060.0 (A44C.0000)
4.0.2503.XXX 4.0 SP2 DIS layer hotfixes 42060.0 (A44C.0000)

Axapta 3.0[edit]

Build number Client version AOCP version
1951.8 3.0 N/A
1951.17 3.0 SP1 60029 (0xEA7D)
1951.18 3.0 SP1 N/A
1951.2410 3.0 SP2 60031 (0xEA7F)
1951.2411 3.0 SP2 Hotfixed 60031 (0xEA7F)
1951.3730 3.0 SP3 60031 (0xEA7F)
1951.3733 3.0 SP3 Hotfixed 60031 (0xEA7F)
1951.4060 3.0 SP4 60031 (0xEA7F)
1951.5160 3.0 SP5 61031 (0xEE67)
1951.6710 3.0 Kernel Rollup 1 61031 (0xEE67)
1951.7500 3.0 Kernel Rollup 2 63031 (0xF637)
1951.7609 3.0 Kernel Rollup 3 63031 (0xF637)
Build number Application version
514-90 3.0 SP2
514-193 3.0 SP3
514-320 3.0 SP4
514-513 3.0 SP5
514-859 3.0 SP6

See also[edit]